No Big Deal Necessary~~~

Funny how dramatic the human can be….

Look, if we make a big gum-drop deal out of minor occurrences, perceived disturbances, Life tends to correct our wayward sense of Relativity.

I mean, this physical reality is not a logical manifestation yet the human tries to assess life by contrived coordinates and what is deemed to be rigidly “factual”, measurable.

That right there is non-sensical……~i digress..

Paper point being~

If we sweat the truly small stuff we call attention to or draw to our experience the >>big stuff…..

Universe will make a point of showing Us scale….~you know, if we can’t manage it #pragmatismsaves on our own.

ThAt is something you cAn count on. #easymath

Here is the Sequence:

*Every day be greatful for the blessed and wondrous unfolding of your nows….

*Do every single thing with earnest determination to make your world it’s best…

*Create a heart~space of understanding that every encounter matters; that you must in life learn every minute….

*Use the humility of being service/student-oriented to propel external universal support in your direction…

*End your day with a head checklist of your days’ accomplishments…

~and say thank you for the opportunity to grow, accomplish and move forward….

*Most importantly, feel truly good about your efforts throughout each day…you know, do the kind thing-all the time…

~this will foster a deep sense of “Right to Blessings in Manifest”. In other words do good-do good enough each day for you to be consistently proud of YOU. This will open the portal to Ultimate Faith.

#UltimateFaith is that sense that You are doing everything in your power, every gifted day to DESERVE the best ultimate scenario; that you are worthy of all the blessings in Divine Timing you truly desire.

*Be at peace that you have been gifted the prize of patience; assurance that the Universe will deliver assistance to your needs according to the immaculate timing of Source rather than ego… ~syncronistic perfection designed specifically for your path.

Be at Peace~

Do all yoU can on your end to #craftyourlife #onpurpose and then, appreciate the support you will see rise on your horizon to meet you half way, at the middle of the Long Bridge of Life’s Grand Endeavor…



~Cheers, Lovelys…~look Up.