Creative Forces Calling

Tapping into our creativity is about recognizing the everpresent flow creativity through all we do.

Certainly in the long game of life, but even in the short game, every decision we make, every thought we entertain is part of our own creative process.

We are Creators.

So, Artisans, if you feel estranged with your outwardly creative processes, understand that you are being called to dial in to the creative energy of living and choosing in each moment. That is your gateway back into the ‘color wheel’, this focus on elemental basic personal creativity.

The attention we give to seeming absence locks absence into our field of vision…

Break your concentration of a “blank canvas” with purposeful mental momentum toward the beauty in your 3D life that delights you.

Let what creates in you a sense of comfort fill your sails and color your mind movies. Relax and dive into the realm of life’s “mundane”, because the richness therein will be wholly inspirational.

Hoping this helps. As always yoU aRe recogNized and appreciated.


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