How we feel is key.

What feelings we recognize are our vibrational signature, the scent of the ripples of our frequency.

“It’s the focus of our desires that takes us from the dream to the real thing.“ -pkk

Our focus…

~where we gaze, where our mental vision rests, our emotional lily pad….

~is the trigger for ouR manifested life.

Every feeling is to be acknowledged, in the name of or for the sake of Contrast. They are all relevant, informative.

Though the feelings we choose to embrace are the vibratory impetus to our manifest destiny.

We are making tomorrow by what we let ourselves feel today, in ouR Now.

Blessings Lovelys..


Join Together

..if you please, joiN me over on the platform of YouTube, foR delicious insights….

Pantha Kore Kali Grace Cards….welcome🧚🏼🫶🏼

Almost daily intuitive readings, including weekly inspiration froM thE Grace Cards…

It’s time to shaRe the wealth, spread the joY, and flow with the realignment of Our blessed planet.

Peace Lovelys…


Believing is Seeing

…currently occurring to me how ironic it is, ouR proclivity to believe in the worst imagery, to follow the imaginings of a scariest scenario…

Let it be clear here~~

We are in control of ouR oWn thought processes.

Regardless of the dogmatic programming, the socio-propagandist extensions…

We, at some point on our merry journey to ouR beSt eVolution on this planet, must come comfortable with the reality that our thoughts, thusly our feelings, are our own domain.

Once we understand that we are able to control central brain mechanics with Will through our own Minds (brain and Mind being mutually exclusive), choice becomes the imminent all-important mechanism to our Lives.

We must choose constantly our own thoughts, forming feelings.

We must decide to feel good or bad, through the courting of our own purposeful thinking.

We mUst assume control.

We aRe magnificent Beings, creatures of Divinity, able to create worlds and manifest dreams.

We do it consistently throughout our lives.

We create this experience based upon the energetic frequency we provide, drawing to us experiences that are vibratorialy in alignment with our own emotive exertions.

What you feel you see~not the the other way around.

Believe it and see it~~not the other way around.

Now, dear Lovelys…

~go forth and create…craft youR Life as yoU fEEl fit.



#panthapapers #PanthaKoreKali #KaliCard #manageyourmind #craftyourlife 🐚


We live in a vibratory realm.

Everything that exists carries the vibration from which it was formed.

As a species, when We became language-oriented we began the process of forming manifestations from our words, our thoughts in words.

Every word we speak, along with the emotive frequency essence, emanates and thusly translates into 3D reality…

Your words are your superpower.

Or, your words are your kryptonite.

Choose your words carefully, deliver your sentiments wisely. And know that intentions do matter, no matter what the words say.

It’s all about vibration. It’s all about frequency.

It’s all ouR choice.

Be well good hUmans.

~p🌺 #panthapapers


All of our emotions carry relative vibration, important to our creative manifestation processes.

In this vibratory realm, speed of our frequency is in critical relationship with our physical reality.

In essence, we aRe the controllers of ouR reality here on this planet. We are the drivers, the steerers of our own self-manufactured ships.

It’s so imperative we remember and know now how critical our chosen emotions derived through our own thinking are to our immediate surroundings, our crystallized reality.

When we come to understand this, we can easily see the importance of learning to master our own thoughts.

To understand that ouR Minds can control our brains is the key.

We will break here, to allow this message to integrate.

Thank yoU all foR your kind attention.

Part two is upcoming.

Blessed Be. ~pantha🌺

Find Joy Inside to Experience Joy Outside